Bol Meri Machli
A drama serial that revolves around the humble, honest and straightforward Professor Waheed and the fate of his four daughters. From a humble, middle class background, Professor Waheed has always wanted the best for his daughters’ futures, and so encourages them to pursue careers in fields that interest them. Rabab, Sahab, Noreen and Maheen all try to follow their dreams; things however go drastically wrong for all of them when they step outside the security of their home into the big bad world that awaits them. A play that throws light on the harsh realities of today’s society, and talks about how difficult it is for a woman to step into the outside world without her reputation being tainted for life.
Cast: Tooba Siddiqui, Ayesha Khan, Tehreem, Sadia Shiekh, Shahood Alvi, Sami Khan, Fahad Mustafa, Javaid Shiekh, Faisal Shah, Mazher Ali, Samina Ahmed, Behroz Sabzwari.
Written by: Asgher Nadeem Syed
Directed by: Haseeb Hassan
Project Head: Iqbal Ansari
Fresh Timings: 20:00
Day: Friday
Topic: Drama Geo Tv